İşte bu anahtar kelimeler üzerinde bir sütun filtreleme için bazı maddelerini oluşturmak için bazı kelimeleri ayıramaz basit bir yolu birlikte anded veya ORed ya bulunuyor.
$terms=explode(',', $_GET['keywords']);
foreach($terms as $term)
//remove any chars you don't want to be searching - adjust to suit
//your requirements
$clean=trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $term));
if (!empty($clean))
//note use of mysql_escape_string - while not strictly required
//in this example due to the preg_replace earlier, it's good
//practice to sanitize your DB inputs in case you modify that
$clauses[]="title like '%".mysql_escape_string($clean)."%'";
if (!empty($clauses))
//concatenate the clauses together with AND or OR, depending on
//your requirements
$filter='('.implode(' AND ', $clauses).')';
//build and execute the required SQL
$sql="select * from foo where $filter";
//no search term, do something else, find everything?