Zend Ben oluşturduk formunu yüklemek istediğiniz görünmüyor

0 Cevap php

Hey, I seem to be climbing a pretty horrible learning curve. It's taking me hours to even get to the point where I can structure/write code. I originally wanted to be able to store a form or a model inside its respective module, for example: ./application/module/ModuleName/forms/ClassName.php but when I tried to instantiate a class with: $form = new ModuleName_Form_ClassName(); it failed. Therefore, I thought I would simplify everything by moving it to the default module. However it still isn't working. I'm still doing something wrong. I've no idea what.

Benim denetleyicisi eylem içinde ben bu var:

// some other code
$form = new Form_Login();

Eylemi yüklenmesi ile ilgili, ben bu hata mesajını alıyorum:

Fatal error: Class 'Form_Login' not found in /some folder/www/application/modules/default/controllers/AdministrationController.php on line 22

Benim application.ini içerir:

appnamespace = "SomeModule"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0
resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
resources.modules[] = 

Form içinde saklanır. / Uygulama / modules / default / formlar / login.php

1. How can I troubleshoot this? The error message I am getting is next to useless.

2. I really think all of my problems might be solved if there was some way of debugging the __autoload() function. Is there not?

3. Can there not be a way of using models/forms from another Module inside the default module? That is what I wanted to do. I thought it would make everything more structured. If this isn't possible I just can't see how this would be useful at all...


Bir hasta acemi Zend geliştiricisi.

0 Cevap