Veritabanı sorgu için tek bir metin alanı

0 Cevap php

I need to be able to enter any the following types of information into into a single text field.

  1. müşteri adı (yani ilk ve son adı).
  2. müşteri telefon numarası. (Alan kodu dahil)
  3. Müşteri e-posta adresi.
  4. müşteri hizmetleri bilet numarası.
  5. Müşteri ürün seri numarası.

How it works so far is that I have 5 different PHP files one for each type of information to be entered.

Ben fonksiyon requestCustomerInfo değişen tutmak, bu her biri için çalışır (aşağıya bakınız).

I am using Ajax XHR request - working example below: this is in the index.php page.

function handleHttpResponse() {    
    if (http.readyState == 4) { 
      if(http.status==200) { 
         var results=http.responseText; 
         document.getElementById('divCustomerInfo').innerHTML = results; 

function requestCustomerInfo() {      

   //look up info by customer name
   var url = "GetCustomerName.php?name="; // The server-side script
   var sName = document.getElementById("CustomerId").value;"GET", url + escape(sName),  true);  

   //look up info by customer email 
   //var url = "GetCustomerEmail.php?email="; // The server-side script 
   //var sEmail = document.getElementById("CustomerId").value;
   //"GET", url + escape(sEmail), true);

   //look up info by customer phone number
   //var url = "GetCustomerPhone.php?phone="; // The server-side script
   //var sPhone = document.getElementById("CustomerId").value; 
   //"GET", url + escape(sPhone), true);  

   //look up info by customer product serial number
   //var url = "GetProductSerialNumber.php?serial="; // The server-side script 
   //var sSerial = document.getElementById("CustomerId").value; 
   //"GET", url + escape(sSerial), true);

   //look up info by customer product service ticket number 
   //var url = "GetServiceTicket.php?ticket="; // The server-side script
   //var sTicket = document.getElementById("CustomerId").value;
   //"GET", url + escape(sTicket), true);

    http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse; 

 function getHTTPObject() { 
    var xmlhttp; 

         xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
    else if (window.ActiveXObject){ 
         xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
         if (!xmlhttp){ 
             xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); 
   return xmlhttp; 

 var http = getHTTPObject(); // We create the HTTP Object 

//This is the look up by customer name PHP file: - typical of the 5 php files.

    //customer ID 
    $sName = $_GET["name"]; 
    $q= $_GET["q"];  

    //variable to hold customer info 
    $sInfo = ""; 

    //database information 
    $sDBServer = "localhost"; 
    $sDBName = "customers"; 
    $sDBUsername = "root"; 
    $sDBPassword = "root"; 

    //create the SQL query string 
    $sQuery = "SELECT c.customerId,, c.address,, c.state,,,, t.ticket 
              FROM customers c
              left join serviceTicket t
              on c.customerId = t.customerId
              WHERE  name = '$sName' ";
              //  OR = '$sEmail'
              //  OR = '$sPhone'
              //  OR t.ticket = '$sTicket'
              //  OR t.serial = '$sSerial'";

    //make the database connection 
    $oLink = mysql_connect($sDBServer,$sDBUsername,$sDBPassword); 
    @mysql_select_db($sDBName) or $sInfo = "Unable to open database"; 

    if($sInfo == '') { 
    $bg = ($bg=='#ffffff' ? '#FCFCFC' : '#ffffff');
        if($oResult = mysql_query($sQuery) and mysql_num_rows($oResult) > 0) { 
          $aValues = mysql_fetch_array($oResult,MYSQL_ASSOC); 
            $sInfo = "Customer account number: ".$aValues['customerId']."<br />".
                     "Customer name: ".$aValues['name']."<br />".
                     "Address: ".$aValues['address']."<br />". 
                     "City: ".$aValues['city']."<br />".
                     "State: ".$aValues['state']."<br />". 
                     "Postal code: ".$aValues['zip']."<br />".
                     "Phone: ".$aValues['phone']."<br /><br />". 
               "<a href=\"mailto:".$aValues['email']."\">".$aValues['email']."</a><br/><br/>"; 
        } else { 
            $sInfo = "Customer with Name $sName doesn't exist."; 


    <div id="divInfoToReturn"> <?php echo $sInfo ?> </div>  //display above info


     $cid =  $aValues['customerId'].'<br/>';   //customerId from above

    //select list dropdown for selecting a particular customer product.
    $ticketquery = "Select * from serviceTicket where customerId = ".$aValues['customerId']."";             
        $srvcticket = mysql_query($ticketquery);
        echo '<span class="selecttickettext">';
        echo '<select name="tickets" onchange="showUser(this.value)" id="select">';
        echo '<option selected ="">Select a Customer Product and Service Ticket</option>';
        echo "<option>------------------------------------</option>";
        echo '</span>';
        while ($ticketrow = mysql_fetch_array($srvcticket)){
                $id = $ticketrow['id'];
                $ticket = $ticketrow['ticket'];
                $product = $ticketrow['product'];
                $serial = $ticketrow['serial'];
                $model = $ticketrow['model'];
                $computer = $ticketrow['computer'];
                $os = $ticketrow['os'];
                $issue = $ticketrow['issue'];
                $docs = $ticketrow['docs'];
                $cso = $ticketrow['cso'];
        echo "<option value='$id'> "." $product "." $ticket";
        echo "</select>\n";


    //create the SQL query string 
    $pQuery = "Select * from serviceTicket where customerId = '$cid'";

    //make the database connection 
    $oLink = mysql_connect($sDBServer,$sDBUsername,$sDBPassword); 
    @mysql_select_db($sDBName) or $pInfo = "Unable to open database"; 

    if($pInfo == '') { 
        if($oResult = mysql_query($pQuery) and mysql_num_rows($oResult) > 0) { 
          $aValues = mysql_fetch_array($oResult,MYSQL_ASSOC); 
            $pInfo = "Service ticket:" . " " .$aValues['ticket']."<br />".
                     "Product:" . " " .$aValues['product']."<br />". 
                     "Serial number:" . " " .$aValues['serial']."<br />".
                     "Product model:" . " " .$aValues['model']."<br />". 
                     "Computer brand:" . " " .$aValues['computer']."<br />".
                     "Operating OS:" . " " .$aValues['os']."<br />". 
                     "Printer issue:" . " " .$aValues['issue']."<br />". 
                     "KB docs:" . " " .$aValues['docs']."<br />".
                     "Customer service order:" . " " .$aValues['cso']."<br />";
        } else { 
            $pInfo = "Customer product for $sName not found."; 

This is the select user js file: used for passing info to get user for select dropdown.

// JavaScript Document
var xmlhttp;

function showUser(str)
if (xmlhttp==null)
  alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");
var url="getuser.php";

function stateChanged()
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)

function GetXmlHttpObject()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  return new XMLHttpRequest();
if (window.ActiveXObject)
  // code for IE6, IE5
  return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return null;

This is the getuser js file: for populating production info section.


//database information 
$sDBServer = "localhost"; 
$sDBName = "customers"; 
$sDBUsername = "root"; 
$sDBPassword = "root";


$con = mysql_connect($sDBServer, $sDBUsername, $sDBPassword);
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db( $sDBName );

$sql="SELECT * FROM serviceTicket WHERE id = '".$q."'";  

//$sql="SELECT * FROM serviceTicket WHERE id = 3";  

$result = mysql_query($sql);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  echo '<div class="productInfo">Product Information </div>';

  echo  "Product : " . $row['product'].'<br/>' ;

  echo  "Serial number : " . $row['serial'] .'<br/>';
  echo  "Model number : " . $row['model'].'<br/>' ;

  echo "Computer brand : " . $row['computer'] .'<br/>';
  echo "Operating system  : " . $row['os'].'<br/>';

  echo '<div class="productIssue">Issues and Resolution documents </div>';

  echo "Product issues" .'<br/>'. $row['issue'].'<br/>';

  echo "Knowledge base docs : " . $row['docs'] .'<br/>';
  echo "Customer service order : " . $row['cso'].'<br/>';



All the above is working, but I want to be able to have a single field to look up customer information.

working version so far:

Herhangi bir yardım mutluluk duyacağız.

0 Cevap