PHP ile Facebook API ve Json, nasıl?

0 Cevap php i am using the above api of Facebook and i am getting following Output

   "data": [
         "id": "501585456_163489377008878",
         "from": {
            "name": "Ian Robinson",
            "id": "501585456"
         "message": "\"Media subdues the public\".  Noam Chomsky still firing",
         "picture": "",
         "link": "",
         "name": " | \u201cMedia Subdues The Public. It\u2019s So In India, Certainly\u201d",
         "caption": "",
         "description": "Noam Chomsky has a veritable cult following among those who are sceptical about views the liberal media espouses and government propaganda machinery spawns to suit their often overlapping agendas. Compelling is his criticism, breathtaking is his knowledge, persuasive is his voice, and deep runs his ",
         "icon": "",
         "type": "link",
         "created_time": "2010-10-24T13:44:01+0000",
         "updated_time": "2010-10-24T13:44:01+0000"

Nasıl php haline dönüştürmek ve şu olsun çıktı

Name:Ian Robinson

0 Cevap