Benim geçerli kod şudur:
$select = $this->select()
->from(array('r' => 'recipes'), $this->getAdapter()
->quoteInto("r.*, MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST(?) AS score", $searchText))
->where('MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST(?)', $searchText);
//SQL: SELECT r.*, MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST('chicken soup') AS `score` FROM `recipes` AS `r` WHERE (MATCH(title, directions) AGAINST('chicken soup'))
I want to add an additional WHERE clause for finding only recipes that contain a certain ingredient. yaşıyorum sorun maddeler tablo ve benim tarifi tablo çok-çok ilişkisi var aslında gelir, sütunlar 'id' bir bağlantı tablo ingredient_recipes ile, 'recipe_id' ve "ingredient_id '.
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