PHP String birleştirme ve sınıf işlevi?

0 Cevap php

Ben basit bir sınıf yazıyordu. İşte kod:

class Book{
    var $title;
    var $publishedDate;

    function Book($title, $publishedDate){
        $this->title = $title;
        $this->publishedDate = $publishedDate;

    function displayBook(){
        echo "Title: " . $this->title . " published on " . $this->publishedDate . "";

    function setAndDisplay($newTitle, $newDate){
        $this->title = $newTitle;
        $this->publishedDate = $newDate;
        echo "The new information is of the book <b>" . $this->displayBook() . "</b><br />";

Ve ben sınıfını başlatıldı ve fonksiyon denir:

$test = new Book("Harry Potter", "2010-1-10");
$test->setAndDisplay("PHP For Beginners", "2010-2-10");

Ve sonuç:

"Title: PHP For Beginners published on 2010-2-10The new information is of the book"


"The new information is of the book **Title: PHP For Beginners published on 2010-2-10**

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