PHP Sabit dize parametreleri belirteci

0 Cevap php

In a system we will be using, there is a function called "uses". If you are familiar with pascal, the uses clause is where you tell your program what dependencies it has (similar to C and PHP includes). This function is being used in order to further control file inclusion other than include(_once) or require(_once).

Test prosedürlerinin bir parçası olarak, statik olarak yüklenen dosyalar için bir bağımlılık görselleştirme aracı yazmak gerekir.

Statik olarak Loaded Örnek: uses('core/core.php','core/security.php');

Dinamik Loaded Örnek: uses('exts/database.'.$driver.'.php');

Ben kodu statik, çalışmadığı süre test çünkü dinamik yük durumlarda süzmek gerekir.

Bu benim şu anda kullanıyorum kodu:

$inuses=false;   // whether currently in uses function or not
$uses=array();   // holds dependencies (line=>file)
$tknbuf=array(); // last token
foreach(token_get_all(file_get_contents($file)) as $token){
    // detect uses function
    if(!$inuses && is_array($token) && $token[0]==T_STRING && $token[1]=='uses')$inuses=true;
    // detect uses argument (dependency file)
    if($inuses && is_array($token) && $token[0]==T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)$tknbuf=$token;
    // detect the end of uses function
    if($inuses && is_string($token) && $token==')'){
            ? $uses[$tknbuf[2]][]=$tknbuf[1]
            : $uses[$tknbuf[2]]=array($tknbuf[1]);
    // a new argument (dependency) is found
    if($inuses && is_string($token) && $token==',')
            ? $uses[$tknbuf[2]][]=$tknbuf[1]
            : $uses[$tknbuf[2]]=array($tknbuf[1]);

Not: Ben argümanları tespit etmek için bir devlet motoru kullanarak olduğumu bilmek yardımcı olabilir.

My issue? Since there are all sorts of arguments that can go in the function, it is very difficult getting it right. Maybe I'm not using the right approach, however, I'm pretty sure using token_get_all is the best in this case. So maybe the issue is my state engine which really isn't that good. I might be missing the easy way out, thought I'd get some peer review off it.

Edit: I took the approach of explaining what I'm doing this time, but not exactly what I want. Put in simple words, I need to get an array of the arguments being passed to a function named "uses". The thing is I'm a bit specific about the arguments; I only need an array of straight strings, no dynamic code at all (constants, variables, function calls...).

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