echo "{'success':false, 'error':'No query parameters submitted'}";
// 1. Include the SimpleDB class if it does not exist
if (!class_exists('SimpleDB'))require_once('sdb.php');
// 2. Set awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey to your values
// create connection
$sdb = new SimpleDB(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey);
$condition = "";
$status = "";
//$params = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['hash']));
$params = $_GET;
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$condition .= " " . $key . " = '" . $value . "' and" ;
$condition = preg_replace('/and$/', "", $condition);
$query = "select * from $domain";
if($condition!= " _empty_ = '' "){
$query .= " where $condition ";
$fileHash = '{';
if($files = $sdb->select($domain, $query)){
$status = 'true';
$fileHash .= "'files' : ".json_encode($files).", ";
$status = 'false';
$fileHash .= "'files' : [], ";
$fileHash .= "'error' : 'No records retrieved from SimpleDB ".json_encode($sdb->ErrorCode)."', ";
$fileHash .= "'success':".$status."}";
echo $fileHash;
my json response { 'files': [{ "Name": "4cf0dadfddfe6", "Attributes": { "title": "Earrings!", "file_size": "135023", "url": "http:\/\/dtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net\/4cf0dadfddfe6.jpg", "file_name": "4cf0dadfddfe6.jpg", "time_stamp": "1290853092", "file_type": "image\/jpeg", "content_obj_type": "upload", "thumb": "http:\/\/dtzhqpwfdzscm.cloudfront.net\/4cf0dadfde32b.jpg", "width": "176.04166666666669", "height": "171", "userid": "4", "gibid": "54", "contentid": "4cf0dadfddfe6", "qqfile": "il_570xN.182320055.jpg", "original_name": "il_570xN.182320055.jpg", "y": "72", "x": "535", "on_floor": "false", "success": "true", "gibview": "O", "avatar_url": "", "crop_url": "" } }], 'success': true }
i bu nasıl yapabilirim Zaman_damgası göre sıralamak istiyorum.? veya s3 veritabanını öğrenmek için iyi bir makale önermek için lütfen.