Bir OnClick Fonksiyonu kullanmak MySQL ile oluşturulan bir tablodan ROW kimliğini edinme

0 Cevap php

I have a table created with PHP from an Sql Database that successfully displays the table information using the following code example.

<table class="mytable loottable" id="guildmembers">

  $query = mysql_query("SELECT $member.charname, $member.char_lvl, $trskill.skill_desc, .....

  if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {

    while (false !== ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))) {
      echo '<tr id="'.$row['charname'].'">';    <-- setting row id here 
      echo '<td class="lootrow" id="memth1">'.$row['charname'].'</td>';
      echo '<td class="lootrow" id="memth2">'.$row['rank_desc'].'</td>';
      echo '<td class="lootrow" id="memth3">'.$row['class_name'].'</td>';
      echo '<td class="lootrow" id="memth4">'.$row['char_lvl'].'</td>';

I her tablo satırı doğru kimliği atanmış olduğunu doğruladıktan sayfa kaynağı örneği.

<tr id="Calysta"><td class="lootrow" id="memth1">Calysta</td><td class="lootrow" id="memth2">Guild Leader</td><td class="lootrow" id="memth3">Inquisitor</td></tr>

<tr id="Rynanx"><td class="lootrow" id="memth1">Rynanx</td><td class="lootrow" id="memth2">Guild Leader</td><td class="lootrow" id="memth3">Mystic</td>

I am setting each table ROW ID to the first field which is always unique. Then i am trying to use this ID in the following function to redirect users to a profile page when they click on a row in the table.

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("table.mytable").each( function() {
                table = $(this);
                if ($(table).attr("id")=="guildmembers") {
                        window.location.href = ""+
                            "/Kithicor/" + $(this).attr("id") + "/";

Which should open a new page in the browser with the following address for instance if the first row is clicked : ""

Instead no matter which row is clicked the web url being created is ""

which is the Tables ID. not the ID of the row being clicked. I have tried various solutions and cannot figure how to get the row ID in this click function. Any help with this would much appreciated. Thanks.

0 Cevap