PHP daha fazla Javatized (aka güçlü yazılmış, daha güçlü) nasıl yapılır?

0 Cevap java

I really love PHP because:
_ easy to develop web applications (you set up LAMP in 10 minutes and you are ready to go)
_ easy to learn
_ easy to deploy (you just need Apache with the PHP module)

I really love Java because:
_ it is strongly typed

Java ve Netbeans'le geliştirerek şaşırdım. Geliştirilmesi ve IDE kendisi düzeltmeyi öne ederken ben IDE tarafından uyarılmak bir tür uyuşmazlığı her zaman vardı.

I think strong typing is a bliss. That's true: PHP arrays that can contain anything speed up your development, but then you have to spend time finding bugs while with a little more work ahead you have the IDE that points out the problems for you. That makes me feel more confidence also during refactoring.

So, my question is: is it possible to use types in PHP (including for the return value of a method)? Do you know of a project, a fork, anything that would allow me to do that?
It could be just a pre-parser that checks some comments before the actual PHP parser (i.e. public function /*ConfBuilders[]*/ getConfBuilders(/*int*/ confId)).
Please anything that would introduce a concept of type and, thus, in my opinion, would make a PHP application more robust and, eventually, quicker to implement (right now I think it is quicker to develop software in Java than in PHP, thanks to the IDE's help).


EDIT: This is the only thing I have found on the web: but I don't like it, mainly because you can't declare the object properties in a standard way and for sure make the execution of the script slower. I would like a method that works offline, while developing...a sort of compilation.

0 Cevap