I have several forms (in this case two) that are located in tabs using Ext-JS.
I also have jQuery framework which I use for main javascript script/programming.
last is an Javascript object global instance(single) that holds state.
the instance called obj have properties of:
1. now I issue a post to the DB with fileID and using it's response i make a new object.
that holds current file,women and man IDs.
2. after that I want to upload a file (an image in this case).
using Uploadify I bind to an input element of file type.
I wanted to either update scriptData when building that new object.
or catch the onComplete and use that.
there I want to issue another post to the PHP file that will update
the DB for location of the file uploaded
started when the non-visible input tag could not be updated.
because flash had to loaded again.
Ben farklı bir flaş uploader kullanarak umursamıyorum ama bu sorun için bir çözüm isteyin.