oturumda saklanmalıdır veri miktarı

0 Cevap php

I understand that it's not good to store to much data and it is needed to be as simple.

State today
Now I use as minimum needed and using simple data types (int and strings)
mainly for storing user's id and to tell if he is logged in.

must of my functions are static or singleton that has to be built each post/get.

I have trouble to representing the current state and changing it.
and get a largely static site.
most of state representing goes into javascript .

for the other hand if I'll create a object that represent the entire website it will be much easier for me to maintain user's input , including database interaction.

Orada saklanmalıdır ne kadar veri basit bir soru,?


One of the things i want to implement is objects that relate to Database tables,
Let's take a page for a "car.update()".

Now if i store an object for it, that extends a connection to the Database with methods
for CRUD.

When I handle a post back from that page with details i could just put them in properties needed and call the update method.

durum şimdi: Ben detayları ile yeni bir nesne oluşturmak ve bir statik güncelleme yapmak gerekir

Another example

storing previous search result and filter it using new data

0 Cevap