This is my first time with AJAX, so I'm a bit confused and need your help. I have four div id's and want to toggle hide/show between them based on result from database. Sounds simple, eh! But it is hard to implement for me. HELP!.
Bu benim kod -
<div id="1">HEya</div>
<div id="2">What's up?</div>
<input type="submit" id='approve' name="action" value="Approve" onclick="a()" class="approve" />
<input type="submit" id='reject' value="Reject" name="action" onclick="r()" class="reject"/>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//if cookie exists, at the beginning the form should be hidden
if (<?php $responseanswer['response']=='approve'; ?> ){
document.getElementById('1').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('2').style.display = 'inline';
//if user clicks reject, hide one element dislay another
else if (<?php $responseanswer['response']=='reject'; ?>){
//if cookie exists
document.getElementById('2').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('1').style.display = 'block';
function a()
var a = document.getElementById('2');
document.getElementById('1').style.display= 'block';
//on reject creating a new cookie
function r()
var a = document.getElementById('reject');
document.getElementById('1').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('2').style.display= 'block';
Eveything iyi, ama div gizleme değildir.