nasıl ben elle yabancı anahtar artırmak yok. ive 2 tablolar var
masa kez
id-timeslot times
1 10:00
2 10:30
3 10:45
4 11:00
5 11:15
6 11:30
Bir an için ben var masası kitabı
id-book id-timeslot
1 1
2 1
Açılan menü (geçirmek dakika)
<select name="minutes_booking" id="minutes_booking">
<option value="0">15 Minutes</option>
<option value="1">30 Minutes</option>
<option value="2">45 Minutes</option>
lets say, the user select for 10:00 and "30 minutes to spend for the treatment" i want look like
id-book id-times
1 1
2 2
php kodu:
if($minutes_booking == 0) :
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO doc_a(id_book, id_timeslot)
VALUES ('','" . $id_timeslot . "')" );
echo 'Booking has been added';
elseif($minutes_booking == 1) :
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO doc_a(id_book, id_timeslot)
VALUES ('', '" . $id_timeslot . "')" );
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO doc_a(id_book, id_timeslot)
VALUES ('', '" . $id_timeslot++ . "')" );
echo 'Booking has been added';