nasıl boş işlevler PHP bize yardımcı olabilir

0 Cevap php

I'm learning php and i have seen many empty Function in many other small projects and I don't know how it can help.


public function first(){
// do nothing
public function second(){
        // do nothing
public function myfuntion(){
        // Codes

another example:
class user_bo{

protected $attributes = Array(); 

  public function __get($key){  

      return array_key_exists($key, $this->attributes) ? $this->attributes[$key] : null;   

  public function __set($key, $value){  

      $this->attributes[$key] = $value;   

  /** Constructor **/
  public function __construct(){ }  

} ?>

how can __construct() help us in this situation since it look like it doesn't do anything?

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