Ben (aynı şema) iki tablo var
id title D0 D1 D2 D3
1 Title1 0.12 3.23 4.90 -0.12
1 Title1 0.22 0.32 -4.90 0.12
1 Title1 0.13 1.24 3.50 -0.22
1 TitleN 1.22 2.33 3.90 -1.56
id title D0 D1 D2 D3
1 Title1 1.42 -0.93 -2.99 3.22
1 Title1 0.52 3.32 -4.90 0.54
1 Title1 2.13 1.14 3.50 -0.22
1 TitleN 3.42 4.37 3.90 -1.26
Ben bu matematik yapabilirim gibi bir sorgu yapmak nasıl anlamaya çalışıyorum:
SELECT title FROM Table2 WHERE (Table1_Row1_D0*Table2_Row1_D0)+(Table1_Row1_D1*Table2_Row1_D1)+(Table1_Row1_D2*Table2_Row1_D2) < 0.5;
However, I would like the query to iterate through the rows of Table1 veperform the SELECT against the entire Table2. Basically, I want to select the titles from Table2 where the calculation inequality is met against ALL the row combination of Table1 veTable 2.
Bu mümkün mü??
Emin değilim bu konularda, ama ben Postgre kullanıyorum.