Cakephp Dinamik oluşturulan tabloyu sayfalandırmak?

0 Cevap php

Please look at the sample code

            mysql_query('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;');
            mysql_query('START TRANSACTION;');
            $tableName = rand().'_table;'
            $this->loadModel('Home'); // Model for homes_table

            $sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$tableName.'_table LIKE homes_table';
            // FEW INSERT STATEMENTS ON THE NEW TABLE $tableName //

            Here I want to paginate the new table
            using $this->paginate(); 


        mysql_query('TRUNCATE table '.$tableName);

I want to paginate the new table created? Logic is each time a person runs the script a new random named table will be created -> then paginated -> then droped ... Or how do I assign Model to dynamically created tables in cakePHP.

0 Cevap