Peki çocuk süreç hata ile çıkar ama pcntl_wifstopped her zaman doğru geri dönebilir
//Sample code :
$child_pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($child_pid === 0)
//This is child process
$my_var = rand(1,5);
if($my_var == 2)
//2 is not allowed
exit(1); //exit with error
if($my_var == 4)
//4 is unknown
i_crash_now(); //crash
echo 'end of child' . "\n";
exit(0); //exit standard
sleep(1); //waiting for child with ninja code (don't do that at home, this was made by professional ninjas)
pcntl_waitpid($child_pid, $status, WNOHANG);
var_dump(pcntl_wstopsig($status)); //in case 2 > 1, in case 4 > 255, else 0
var_dump(pcntl_wifexited($status)); //always true;
Ben hataları bulmak için sinyal kullanabilirsiniz, ama ben pcntl_wifstopped () nesi alamadım.
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