Neden bir SSH bağlantısı kullanmak değil mi? Soyut komutları uzak, giriş / çıkış yönlendirme ve tam denetime sahip olabilir.
Sen karşılaşılmasına kadar az haklara sahip saf, temiz kabuğu birisi sağlamak ve kabuk açmak için) (şifre sadece SSH2 :: Connect ile birlikte POST'ed sağlayabilirsiniz.
I created a nice class to work with the php SSH2 extension, maybe it helps you;
(and it also does secure file transfers)
* SSH2
* @package Pork
* @author SchizoDuckie
* @version 1.0
* @access public
class SSH2
private $host;
private $port;
private $connection;
private $timeout;
private $debugMode;
private $debugPointer;
public $connected;
public $error;
* SSH2::__construct()
* @param mixed $host
* @param integer $port
* @param integer $timeout
* @return
function __construct($host, $port=22, $timeout=10)
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->timeout = 10;
$this->error = 'not connected';
$this->connection = false;
$this->debugMode = Settings::Load()->->get('Debug', 'Debugmode');
$this->debugPointer = ($this->debugMode) ? fopen('./logs/'.date('Y-m-d--H-i-s').'.log', 'w+') : false;
$this->connected = false;
* SSH2::connect()
* @param mixed $username
* @param mixed $password
* @return
function connect($username, $password)
$this->connection = ssh2_connect($this->host, $this->port);
if (!$this->connection) return $this->error("Could not connect to {$this->host}:{$this->port}");
$this->debug("Connected to {$this->host}:{$this->port}");
$authenticated = ssh2_auth_password($this->connection, $username, $password);
if(!$authenticated) return $this->error("Could not authenticate: {$username}, check your password");
$this->debug("Authenticated successfully as {$username}");
$this->connected = true;
return true;
* SSH2::exec()
* @param mixed $command shell command to execute
* @param bool $onAvailableFunction a function to handle any available data.
* @param bool $blocking blocking or non-blocking mode. This 'hangs' php execution until the command has completed if you set it to true. If you just want to start an import and go on, use this icm onAvailableFunction and false
* @return
function exec($command, $onAvailableFunction=false, $blocking=true)
$output = '';
$stream = ssh2_exec($this->connection, $command);
$this->debug("Exec: {$command}");
if($onAvailableFunction !== false)
$lastReceived = time();
$timeout =false;
while (!feof($stream) && !$timeout)
$input = fgets($stream, 1024);
if(strlen($input) >0)
call_user_func($onAvailableFunction, $input);
$lastReceived = time();
if(time() - $lastReceived >= $this->timeout)
$timeout = true;
$this->error('Connection timed out');
if($blocking === true && $onAvailableFunction === false)
stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
$output = stream_get_contents($stream);
* SSH2::createDirectory()
* Creates a directory via sftp
* @param string $dirname
* @return boolean success
function createDirectory($dirname)
$ftpconnection = ssh2_sftp ($this->connection);
$dircreated = ssh2_sftp_mkdir($ftpconnection, $dirname, true);
$this->debug("Directory not created: ".$dirname);
return $dircreated;
public function listFiles($dirname)
$input = $this->exec(escapeshellcmd("ls {$dirname}"));
return(explode("\n", trim($input)));
public function sendFile($filename, $remotename)
$this->debug("sending {$filename} to {$remotename} ");
if(file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename))
$result = ssh2_scp_send($this->connection, $filename, $remotename, 0664);
$this->debug("Unable to read file : ".$filename);
return false;
if(!$result) $this->debug("Failure uploading {$filename} to {$remotename}");
return $result;
public function getFile($remotename, $localfile)
$this->debug("grabbing {$remotename} to {$localfile}");
$result = ssh2_scp_recv($this->connection, $remotename, $localfile);
if(!$result) $this->debug("Failure downloading {$remotename} to {$localfile}");
return $result;
* SSH2::debug()
* @param mixed $message
* @return
function debug($message)
fwrite($this->debugPointer, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." : ".$message."\n");
* SSH2::error()
* @param mixed $errorMsg
* @return
function error($errorMsg)
$this->error = $errorMsg;
return false;
* SSH2::__destruct()
* @return
function __destruct()
$this->connection = null;
if($this->debugMode && $this->debugPointer)
Kullanımı örnek:
$settings = Settings::Load()->Get("SecureServer");
$ssh = new SSH2($settings['host']);
if( $ssh->connect($settings['username'], $settings['password']))
echo $ssh->exec("ls -la ".$settings['path'], false, true);