Ben MCRYPT_DECRYPT sonra çözülen dize Trim gerekir?

2 Cevap php

Ben böyle bir şey gider bir kod var:

$cipher_alg = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128;
$decrypted_string = mcrypt_decrypt($cipher_alg, $key, 
$encrypted_string , MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, trim(hex2bin(trim($hexiv))));

Ben çözme sürecinde mcrypt_decrypt arkasında veya $decrypted_string önünde bir karşılıksız boşluk veya boş karakterler tanıtacak endişe.

Yani bunu Döşeme gerekir?

Note: I could have run the code and find this out. But since I can never run enough samples to prove ( or disprove) my point, I want some concrete and theoretical answers, probably based on the inner working of the mcrypt_decrypt algoritması. Ben sormak başka nedeni ben bu başkalarına yardım etmek için gidiyor inanıyorum olmasıdır.

Note 2: Notwithstanding with the answer below, bu examples here doğru şifresi dize almak için kırparak kullanmak yok gibi görünüyor.

2 Cevap

Bir uzunluğa Aslında hem mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() as well as the other en-/decryption functons (like mcrypt_generic() or mdecrypt_generic() ) do pad $data parametre ve n * <<blocksize>>. Dolgu karakteri NUL karakter (\x0 veya \0) ise <<blocksize>> şifrenin ve kullanılan blok şifreleme modları bağlıdır. Bir Block cipher modes of operation bakmak ve Padding (cryptography) olmalıdır.

Aşağıdaki mcrypt_get_block_size() for each of the available ciphers and modes on my machine. Obviously the function does not take into account that modes such as CFB, OFB and CTR do not require any special measures to handle messages whose lengths are not multiples of the block size, since they all work by XORing the plaintext with the output of the block cipher (Vikipedi alıntı) çıkışıdır. Sizin örnekte kullanılan CBC hep son blok şifreleme önce doldurulur gerektirir.

    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: not supported
    cfb: not supported
    ctr: not supported
    ecb: not supported
    ncfb: not supported
    nofb: not supported
    ofb: not supported
    stream: 1 bytes
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 24 bytes
    cfb: 24 bytes
    ctr: 24 bytes
    ecb: 24 bytes
    ncfb: 24 bytes
    nofb: 24 bytes
    ofb: 24 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: not supported
    cfb: not supported
    ctr: not supported
    ecb: not supported
    ncfb: not supported
    nofb: not supported
    ofb: not supported
    stream: 1 bytes
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 32 bytes
    cfb: 32 bytes
    ctr: 32 bytes
    ecb: 32 bytes
    ncfb: 32 bytes
    nofb: 32 bytes
    ofb: 32 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 16 bytes
    cfb: 16 bytes
    ctr: 16 bytes
    ecb: 16 bytes
    ncfb: 16 bytes
    nofb: 16 bytes
    ofb: 16 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: not supported
    cfb: not supported
    ctr: not supported
    ecb: not supported
    ncfb: not supported
    nofb: not supported
    ofb: not supported
    stream: 1 bytes
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported
    cbc: 8 bytes
    cfb: 8 bytes
    ctr: 8 bytes
    ecb: 8 bytes
    ncfb: 8 bytes
    nofb: 8 bytes
    ofb: 8 bytes
    stream: not supported

Bu nedenle gerek rtrim() şifre sabit uzunlukta bloklar üzerinde çalışır eğer orijinal dize almak için şifre çözme fonksiyonları çıkış:

$output = rtrim($decrypted, "\0");

TripleDES benim uygulamasında, ben çözülen dize \ 5 veya \ 6 karakter ile doldurulur edildi bulundu. Bu, yukarıda ya da örneklerde bahsedilen beklenen \ 0 veya \ 4 karakter değildi. Dolgu karakterin ASCII değeri ord() işlevini kullanmak belirlemek için. ord () yani bir dize kırmak ya da dizi gösterimde doğrudan karaktere erişmek için () str_split kullanmak tek bir karakter üzerinde çalışıyor - $ string [5].

Final Döşeme sonucu - trim($decrypt, "\0..\32");

Final kod sonuç -

    $key        = "encryption key";
    $encrypt    = base64_decode($encrypt);
    $iv_size    = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
    $iv         = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
    $decrypt    = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $encrypt, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
    $final      = trim($decrypt, "\0..\32"); // removes potential null padding