I am building a Flash AS3 application that allows users to modify images, and then submit-save them to a server. The user will then have the ability to log in and access these saved images in a thumbnail gallery. They can either delete an image or click a thumbnail to view it at original size.
I am comfortable with the front end having built something similar in AS2 and Flash 8 a few years back. What will be required for the backend? I assume some type of PHP-MySQL database is needed. Not sure about hosting issues requirements as the AS2 application I built never sent any actual binary data, but rather data describing the image transformations. I assume I will need to make use of byteArray?
Izleme-yüklenebilir benzer bir şey yapar varolan bir öğretici veya örnek kod var mı?
FP9 ile ilişkili herhangi bir güvenlik kısıtlamanın 'gotchas' -10 ben farkında olmak gerekir var mı?