I have a small programming problem (php & javascript). On index.php page I'm printing a news (from mysql db) in a table:
CHECKBOX | NEWStitle | NEWStext | NEWSuser | NEWSdate
checkbox1 | News 1 .. | Shall we.. | User0002 | 28.7.09
O Yukarıdaki tabloda ben küçük YAZMA'yı temsil eden simgeler (resim), DELETE, ARŞİV, e-posta ve PDF var.
I want to achieve following: When user selects one row - with checkbox - (multiple rows won't be supported) and clicks on a icon, I want that javascript finds out which icon was selected, so I can product a custom url (example:index.php?mod=news&command=edit&id=9).
Bunu yapmak için herhangi bir şans var mı? Nasıl, eğer?
Parrots and Cedric Bertolini, kindly thanks for you answer. jQuery IS valid option, as I have many other effects done with jQuery.
Ok, so far I know how to get checked items along with Id. Now, how to get task icons?
As I have explained, my cms has small icons above the news table, which represents tasks. EDIT, DELETE, ARCHIVE, EMAIL, PDF.
Bunun için bir işlevi yazmak nasıl?
Ben simgesi tıklandığında hangi bulmak ve (ben zaten ne - senin sayende :)) NewSID almak istiyorum bu yüzden istenen görevi ile kullanıcıya hizmet edebilir.
Tekrar teşekkürler!